Heart disease, Cancer and Alzheimers begin in your 20s!

Brain cells start to die off in your 20s and 30s through an inflammatory state in your body.  The symptoms get exponentially worse as you age until eventually you are diagnosed with heart disease, cancer, and/or Alzheimer’s disease.

This inflammatory state is caused by but can also be cured by diet!

Dr. Tom O’Bryan explains that everything we eat has the potential to arrest the development of these autoimmune disease or encourage their onset. He discusses the inflammatory cascade and how every degenerative disease is a disease of cellular inflammation. By eating REAL FOOD, we can slow down, arrest, or reverse the autoimmune process!

How simple! How excitingly simple!

The various diets of discussed in earlier posts: GAPS, SCD, paleo are wonderful nutritional supports. These diets advocate for food selections that will turn on anti-inflammatory genes that will keep us healthy. These diets include REAL FOOD options that are organic and nutrient dense.

And guess what –

GMOs impair the bodies ability to repair cellular damage. Dr. O’Bryan says they sabotage our digestive track!

Dr. O’Bryan will be hosting The Gluten Summit November 11-17. Each day, 4-5 interviews will be available to watch for a 24-hour period. The goal of The Gluten Summit is to shift the scientific discussion and clinical recognition of gluten-related disorders forward by five years. Meaning, we want the conversation between patients and doctors that will be happening five years from now to happen now.

He hopes to encourage conversation about these issues. I hope you’ll join the conversation!

4 thoughts on “Heart disease, Cancer and Alzheimers begin in your 20s!

  1. Pingback: Why Attend The Gluten Summit « CorePsych

  2. Pingback: Mark Hyman Gluten Summit « CorePsych

  3. Pingback: Mark Hyman Gluten Summit | CorePsych

  4. Pingback: CorePsych | Why Attend The Gluten Summit

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